Gospel Principles – What do Mormons Believe

This is a list of principles and Mormon Beliefs that may be of interest to those who want to know more about the Mormon Church. We know that when we humbly seek the truth we can be blessed by finding it and understanding it. We hope that these brief articles will help you gain a better understanding of the Gospel of Jesus Christ as it was restored by the Prophet Joseph Smith, and that you will be interested in knowing more. Please remember that if you want to know more about the Mormon Church you can always contact a member in your area or you can request a free copy of the Book of Mormon. Enjoy your reading.

Book of MormonAccountability (Agency) is the ability of each person to choose right or wrong and to act freely. Mormons believe this is a marvelous gift from God . . . (Read more)

Baptism is very important in Mormonism. The fourth Article of Faith, authored by Joseph Smith, states that Mormons “believe that the first principles and ordinances . . . (Read more)

Charity, according to scripture,. . . “is the pure love of Christ”, “suffereth long, and is kind”, “envieth not”, “is not puffed up”, “doth not behave itself unseemly” . . . (Read more)

Faith in Jesus Christ is regarded as one of “the first principles and ordinances of the gospel” of God (Articles of Faith, 4) . . . (Read more)

Fasting, a voluntary abstinence from food, has been practiced for centuries as a way for the Lord’s people to humble themselves before Him and increase their ability to receive blessings . . . (Read more)

Forgiveness is an essential part of enjoying happiness in this life and salvation in the life to come. A study of the scriptures reveals two aspects of forgiveness . . . (Read more)

Law of Chastity is a necessary set of commandments. Heavenly Father gave all men and women the sacred power to procreate and has given these precise commandments regarding the use of this power. If men and women obey the commandments governing procreation they enjoy blessings on earth and in the eternities. . . (Read more)

Obedience is the first law of heaven, in the belief of the Mormon Church. To progress in this life, men and women must be obedient to the truths that come from the Lord . . . (Read more)

Prayer is the way by which any person can communicate directly with his Heavenly Father. Members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Mormons or LDS Church) believe prayer is necessary for each person to build a close relationship with the Lord. This relationship is necessary to live righteously and to receive guidance from the Lord. . . . (Read more)

Repentance is the second principle of the Gospel in Mormon doctrine. Repentance is required for salvation: “For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God” (Romans 3:23)… When one develops faith in Jesus Christ and begins to understand the purpose of mortal life, he or she will desire to repent. (Read more)

Sabbath Day is Sunday in the Mormon Church in most countries. The Sabbath is a day of rest, following the initial example of the Lord during the Creation: “And on the seventh day God ended his work which he had made; and he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he has mad. And God blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it” (Genesis 2:2-3) . . . (Read more)

Sacrament, in Mormon belief and doctrine, is a ceremony of eating bread and drinking water which are symbols, or reminders, of the body and blood of Jesus Christ, which He willingly gave up during His atoning sacrifice for all . . . (Read more)

Sacrifice has been basic to the gospel since the beginning of time, as a way to obey the Lord’s commandments and show devotion to Him. The Lord commanded the first man and woman, Adam and Eve, to offer sacrifices of the firstborn of their flocks . . . (Read more)

Service is a necessary element in becoming more charitable and Christ-like. To show charity, which they view as the pure love of Jesus Christ, Mormons seek for opportunities to serve their fellow men . . . (Read more)

Spiritual Gifts, received from the Lord, come as a result of being faithful and worthy (obedient to the commandments of God in all aspects of life) . . . (Read more)

Testimony is an individual’s beliefs and faith. A testimony comes through study and prayer, and it is a gift from Heavenly Father to His children . . . (Read more)

Tithing, or tithe, means a tenth part. The paying of tithing to the Lord and His church has been a commandment for thousands of years. The first record of tithing is found in Genesis 14:20, where Abraham paid tithing to Melchizedek. In the biblical days of the Lord’s church, tithing was considered not only a commandment but also a law of the land . . . (Read more)

Word of Wisdom is a strict code of conduct Mormons follow, regarding the care and respect of their physical bodies. Mormons believe their bodies to be sacred gifts from God–gifts for which Jesus Christ has paid the ultimate price. Our bodies are made after the likeness of the Lord and should be treated as sacred. Members of the Mormon Church are taught from a young age to respect their bodies as temples wherein the Spirit of the Lord can reside . . . (Read more)

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