Mormon Genealogy

Mormon Genealogy

Members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (the Mormon Church) are very interested in Family History, and the Church and its members have done much to facilitate family history work for all, even people who have no interest in the Church. Mormon...
The Mormon Endowment

The Mormon Endowment

The Mormon Endowment is a worship session at a Mormon temple.  The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (casually called the Mormon Church) has about 135 temples worldwide, and is building many more.  The purpose of building temples, easily accessible to the...
Temples and the Tabernacle

Temples and the Tabernacle

Ancient temples are a focal point in the Old Testament because they are of eternal importance. A temple is the house of God, where He can come and dwell among His people. There they worship Him and learn more about their relationship to Him. Mormons (as members of The...

Mormon Temples

For a more basic description of temples, go here. ‘Mormon’ Temples: A Little Enlightenment The concept of temples is not new; there is a biblical connection between ancient and modern temples, and there are surprisingly simple answers to the questions about the Mormon...
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