Advanced Mormon Topics

What do Mormons believe?

mormon bookIn this section we will be discussing Mormon doctrines, principles, and history that go beyond the basics of the Restored Gospel of Jesus Christ as initially taught by the Prophet Joseph Smith and his successors in the presidency of the Mormon Church. Reading the basics first can aid in your understanding of these topics. If you have questions and you want to receive a good but simple answer you may also visit If you prefer reading scholarly articles about certain advanced topics you can visit FAIRLDS.

Mormon Topics

ExMormon An ExMormon, or Ex-Mormon, is a person who was formerly a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, but who is no longer a member of the Church.  Rarely, members of the Church can be excommunicated from the Church for serious sin.  (Read more…)

The term anti-Mormon is used to describe a person or group actively opposing Mormonism. It does not refer to groups of people who don’t understand the Church, or disagree with or criticize it.  An anti-Mormon represents a more extreme category.  For anti-Mormons, the existence of the Mormon Church is something that cannot be tolerated… (Read more)

Are Mormons Christian?
The Mormon Church’s real name is the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.  Its original name was the Church of Christ.  This indicates that the Church is a Christian church, at least by name – and Mormons would testify that they are Christians in practice, too.  But many Christians claim that Mormons are not Christian at all…(Read more)

DNA and the Book of Mormon
The strongest witness of the Book of Mormon is to be obtained by living the Christ-centered principles contained in its pages and by praying about its truthfulness. Recent attacks on the veracity of the Book of Mormon based on DNA evidence are ill considered. Nothing in the Book of Mormon precludes migration into the Americas by peoples of Asiatic origin…(Read more)

The Great Apostasy
Mormons often speak of the Great Apostasy as the reason why the Lord had to restore His Gospel back to the earth.  Why did Christ’s Church have to be restored when Christianity has existed since the coming of Christ?  This is an expanded explanation of why the restoration was necessary. (Read more)

Luke 16:16
Luke 16:16 is one of several Biblical passages leveled against the Mormon Church.  The law and the prophets were until John: since that time the kingdom of God is preached, and every man presseth into it.  This is interpreted by many to mean that there will be no more prophets after John the Baptist.  A fundamental doctrine of the Mormon Church is that there are living prophets now. (Read more)

Mountain Meadow Massacre
On September 11, 1857, a train of emigrants driving cattle to California were ambushed and killed in what is now known as the Mountain Meadows Massacre. An already brutal and tragic affair, Mormon Church detractors exploit the incident to defame a faith. The purpose of this is not to defend the perpetrators, but to give proper historical context and sift fact from accusation. (Read more)

Mormon Polygamy
Although the Mormon Church has not practiced polygamy for over a hundred years, when many people think of “Mormons,” they still think of men with multiple wives.  In today’s Church, however, people who practice plural marriage are excommunicated. (Read more)

Mormon Underwear
Mormon underwear is a curiosity for some and a tool of ridicule for others.  It has been described as “magic,” “special,” and “secret,” along with countless other adjectives.  Mormon undergarments are usually called “garments” among Mormons, perhaps to distinguish them from regular underwear and to call them by a more proper term, for they are very sacred to those who wear them. (Read more)

Seer Stones and Translation
The Book of Mormon is a translated document, originally written in a language which Joseph Smith Jr. described as “Reformed Egyptian.”  As Joseph Smith was not well educated, even in English, how was he able to translate it?  The Lord provided him with seer stones, also called the Urim and Thummim. (Read more)

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