Mormon Families

Mormon Families

The family is the basic unit of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Mormon Church) and the most important social unit in time and eternity. God has established families to bring happiness to His children, allow them to learn correct principles in a loving...
Word Of Wisdom Mormonism

Word Of Wisdom Mormonism

Mormons follow a strict code of conduct regarding the care and respect of their physical bodies. Mormons believe their bodies to be sacred gifts from God–gifts for which Jesus Christ has paid the ultimate price. Our bodies are made after the likeness of the Lord and...
Fasting Mormonism

Fasting Mormonism

Fasting, a voluntary abstinence from food, has been practiced for centuries as a way for the Lord’s people to humble themselves before Him and increase their ability to receive inspiration and blessings. Mormons today practice the fast for these same reasons; they...
Mormon Family

Mormon Family

The Importance of the Family in Mormonism – The family is the essential unit of life on Earth and in the eternities. Mormonism teaches important truths regarding the centrality of the family and its eternal destiny. (Read more) Family Home Evening – This...
Resources for Families

Resources for Families

Mormons believe that the family is the essential and basic unit of life, both on Earth and in the eternities. The Mormon Church teaches important truths about the centrality of the family and its eternal destiny. In fact, The First Presidency and the Quorum of the...

We [Mormons] Bear Testimony to the World

President Gordon B. Hinckley The Lord is richly blessing His Church, and our duty is to do all we can to move it forward. My brothers and sisters, as we gather in another general conference, I am pleased to report that the [Mormon] Church continues to grow in strength...
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