Who is God? There are many different beliefs about the nature of God in our modern world. Mormons have a very clear concept of God, and especially a clearly defined idea about the relationship between God the Father, Jesus Christ, the Son, and the Holy Ghost.

Mormon First VisionMormons believe that the concepts identified by such nonscriptural terms as “the incomprehensible mystery of God” and “the mystery of the Holy Trinity” are attributable to the ideas of Greek philosophy. These philosophical concepts transformed Christianity in the first few centuries following the deaths of the Apostles. For example, philosophers then maintained that physical matter was evil and that God was a spirit without feelings or passions. Persons of this persuasion, including learned men who became influential converts to Christianity, had a hard time accepting the simple teachings of early Christianity: an Only Begotten Son who said he was in the express image of his Father in Heaven and who taught his followers to be one as he and his Father were one, and a Messiah who died on a cross and later appeared to his followers as a resurrected being with flesh and bones”. (Elder Dallin H. Oaks, Apostasy and Restoration, Ensign (CR), May 1995, p.84).

Let there be no confusion—God, our Heavenly Father is the Father of our spirits. He is also the Father of the spirit of Jesus. The Holy Trinity is not a blur, but rather three separate and distinct personages. Heavenly Father gave to His Son those of His children who would take upon themselves the name of His Son, demonstrating faith in Him by repenting of their sins and entering the holy waters of baptism and then going forth steadfastly in His kingdom forever.

Each member of this trinity is called God, and together they constitute the Godhead. As indicated, they are three separate beings, but they are one in purpose, and Jesus repeatedly testified of the unity existing among the three.” (President N. Eldon Tanner, A Basis for Faith in the Living God, Ensign, November 1978, p.46).

Heavenly Father The father of our spirits, Heavenly Father knows each of us personally and wants us to return to Him. Just as children grow up to be like their earthly parents, Mormons believe that we will grow up in this life to eventually be like our Heavenly Father as well, in the life to come. (Read more)

Jesus Christ in Mormonism There are still a few uninformed people who think that Mormons are not Christians or that Mormons don’t believe in Jesus Christ. But Mormons believe that Jesus Christ is the creator of earth and is the Son of God, who came on the earth to save all men and women who accept Him and follow His commandments. (Read more)

The Holy Ghost Mormons believe that, before this life on earth, all people lived in heaven with our Heavenly Father as spirits He created. We received bodies when we came to earth. The Holy Ghost is a child of God who has yet to receive a body. The Holy Ghost performs an important and necessary role as a member of the Godhead. His role is the confirmer of truth.  Some Christians says that God is “so small He can dwell in your heart.”  It is actually the Holy Ghost, a spirit, who can dwell in one’s heart.  (Read more)

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