Lehi and his family
A prophet named Lehi from the Book of Mormon (a book revered as scripture by members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, also known as the “Mormon Church by friends of other faiths) had a vision of the Tree of Life (see 1 Nephi 8). In this vision Lehi sees a tree that holds the most sweet and desirable fruit, which could make anyone happy if they were to partake of it. To get to the tree you have to go on a journey, similar to a hike, that has its ups and downs and it is not always easy to stay on the right course. This is like a representation of life and how we are all on our own journey; but where does our journey lead? Although I was born and raised in the LDS Church and have grown up reading about this vision many times; it seems every time I read it I learn something new from it and if I don’t learn something new, I am reminded of what kind of life I want to live and where I want to go. The fruit of the tree represents having eternal life and this is a goal I hope to gain some day.
I think it really comes down to each of us wanting to feel or be accepted, and instead of us trying to get our peers approval, we should first understand that we are and always will be accepted of God. We are his children and he is always there for us. Because he created us, our desire should want to be like our Savior and not like “The Jones’.” We should strive to be like Him for He is the only way to salvation. I know that if I can hold onto the rod of iron, by keeping the commandments, and having faith in God, I will be able to partake in the fruit of the Tree of Life.By Maliana T.