Law Chastity Mormonism

Law Chastity Mormonism

Heavenly Father gave all men and women the sacred power to have children and has given precise commandments about how to use it. If men and women obey the commandments about procreation they can be very happy. Mormons believe procreation on Earth began with Adam and...
Sacrifice Mormonism

Sacrifice Mormonism

Sacrifice has been required by the Lord since the beginning of time, as a way to obey the Lord’s commandments and show devotion to Him. The Lord commanded the first man and woman, Adam and Eve, to offer sacrifices of the firstborn sheep of their flocks. In one of the...
Repentance Mormonism

Repentance Mormonism

When one develops faith in Jesus Christ and begins to understand the purpose of mortal life, he or she will desire to repent. Repentance is the second principle of the Gospel in Mormon doctrine. Repentance is required for salvation: “For all have sinned, and come...
Forgiveness Mormonism

Forgiveness Mormonism

In Mormonism, forgiveness is an essential part of enjoying happiness in this life and salvation in the life to come. A study of the scriptures reveals two aspects of forgiveness: seeking forgiveness from the Lord through repentance and prayer, and forgiving all those...


English-speaking members of the Mormon Church typically use the King James Version of the Bible.  Mormons understand that the Bible underwent innumerable alterations during the first two centuries of its existence, but they believe that, as far as it is translated...
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