Eternal Marriage

Eternal Marriage

Marriage is an important and essential part of the gospel as presented and practiced by members of the Mormon Church.  Indeed, marriage has been a part of God’s plan for his children from the beginning. In Genesis we read that Adam was alone in the garden.  But in...
Accountability Mormonism

Accountability Mormonism

Mormons do believe that agency, the ability of each person to choose right or wrong and to act freely, is a marvelous gift from God. Mormonism teaches that all individuals here on earth are being proven to see if they will use their agency to show their love for...
Sacrament Mormonism

Sacrament Mormonism

When Latter-day Saints (Mormons) refer to the taking of “the sacrament,” they are referring to the ceremony of eating bread and drinking water which are symbols, or reminders, of the body and blood of Christ, which He willingly gave up during His atoning sacrifice for...
Holy Ghost Mormonism

Holy Ghost Mormonism

The Holy Ghost is the third member of the Godhead, along with God the Father and the Son, Jesus Christ. Mormons believe the Holy Ghost is a spirit-man, a spirit son of God the Father. Mormons believe that, before this life on earth, all people lived in heaven with our...

Purpose Life Mormonism

Perhaps you have already asked yourself one of these questions: Where did I come from? Why am I here? Where am I going? What is the purpose of my life? If you have asked yourself one of those questions you are not alone. Many people want to know if this life has...
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